Page 27If you can't measure it - you can't manage it.

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Or at least, that is one on the “mantras”.

But when one is dealing with a situation of diminishing returns, measurement is probably
the only way to establish where the peak point actually is?

For the Stirling engine, the “diminishing returns” situations are rather fundamental.

The power peak and the optimum amount of regenerator.

We are also dealing with gas heat and pressure, both of which we cannot see.

When others work with things they cannot see, they use
an appropriate measurement tool.

All electrical workshops have a multimeter.

So, I argue that all Stirling workshops need a measurement bench

Aluminium heat shielding is an example of how measurement
has enabled progress.

We have long experienced power surges when various engines are allowed to “cook up”
or raise the temperature of the hot cap..

This lead to measurement of an engine with, and without, aluminium cooking foil wrapped
around the hot cap.

The results can be seen in the chart opposite.

A 1
0% gain.

See the aluminium shrouding around the burner at the top of the engine.
There is also another bonus. Strong winds are prevented from chilling the hot cap
and sapping the engine power.